
This section outlines curricular policies in the Department of 计算机科学. These policies are intended to be fair, serve our students well and maintain the department’s academic standards. 如果学生认为有情有可原的情况值得特别豁免,可以向系里申请政策的例外. 请愿书应首先与学生的计算机科学顾问进行讨论,然后以书面形式提交给顾问,由CS教师考虑.


Except for first-semester core courses and CS colloquium, CS courses taken towards a major served by the department (CS, CS/数学联合专业, (数学和计算生物学)或CS辅修(仅适用于完成个人学习计划的HMC学生)必须采取字母成绩.

Independent Study and 研究 Credit

The department permits up to 3 units of independent study or research to count as a CS elective. 这种独立学习或研究学分可以在几个学期内以任何数量累积(低至0.5 units per semester, although we encourage students to take research in quanta of 1, 1.5、2或3个单元).


Up to three units of 实习 may be used to satisfy 3 units of CS elective credit.


  • A student must complete one of CS 5 (Gold, Black, or Green) or CS 42 to complete the CS core.
  • Incoming HMC students who want to take CS Black or CS 42 must take a placement exam before arriving. 有关分班考试的信息包含在所有学生收到的有关其核心课程的信息中, which typically is sent in July of the summer before students’ first semester at HMC.
  • A student who receives a “NC” in CS 5 must re-take the course in the fall of their sophomore year.
  • A student who receives a “NC” in CS 42 may request to take the CS 5 Gold final exam. 通过该考试的结果是在成绩单上保持CS 42的“NC”,并附加说明CS 5已通过考试. 在文字记录中, 在成绩栏中显示为“cs5”,成绩为“EX”,学生获得cs5的3个学分. The 3 units count towards graduation but 不 towards the student’s GPA. This fulfills the CS core requirement. 如果学生希望攻读要求CS 42或CS 60的专业,那么他们必须稍后参加CS 60,但这不会改变CS 42的原始“NC”等级.
  • HMC学生如果希望以任何方式满足CS核心要求,而不是通过CS 5或CS 42,必须向太阳2注册平台提交请愿书.

Individual Program of Study

任何IPS(或类似的自行设计的专业)包含CS课程高于CS 70必须在创建IPS时获得当前CS太阳2注册平台主席的书面批准,以纳入CS预安置过程. 经太阳2注册平台批准的IPS专业每学期最多可选修一门IPS计划指定的课程,与专业有相同的优先级. 希望参加更多CS课程的IPS学生将获得与所有其他Mudd非专业相同的优先权,并应使用正常的预注册/PERM系统来完成.

Our expectation for IPS (and similar) majors is that they will be constructed to 增加宽度 beyond what would be possible through an existing major, linking together multiple disciplines. 因此,IPS的必修课程将只从多个专业的必修课程中抽取。  他们的选修课. 同样,任何选修课都只能是CS专业可选课程的一个超集,而不是子集. CS系不会批准任何比CS专业更能保证进入CS课程的IPS(或自行设计的IPS),尽管该系每年都努力提供平衡的选修课, because student demand and faculty availability may vary from year to year, 本系不能提前保证学生能够在任何特定的时间表上选修任何特定的课程. 因此, 例如, 批准的IPS可以写“一门计算机科学选修课和一门心理学选修课”,但不能写“人工智能和高级神经化学”。.

太阳2注册平台批准的IPS(或类似)还必须包括适当严格的顶点经验. The only capstone available through the CS department is CS clinic. 学生 are however free to find other departments willing to commit to other capstone experiences. 在后一种情况下, 在批准IPS之前,太阳2注册平台将要求证据证明已作出适当的承诺.


  • As indicated in the HMC Catalog, 经院系许可,学生可以从其他学院和大学转学分.g.(留学或暑期). 希望在其他机构学习课程并将这些课程转到HMC的CS课程的学生应事先与系主任协商.
  • 有兴趣出国留学的学生必须在注册课程之前获得其导师和系主任的许可.
  • While HMC requires transfer course grades of at least a C, the CS Department requires a grade of B or better for courses taken outside of Claremont.


  • Although all students are welcome and encouraged to attend colloquium talks, students may only register for colloquium in their junior and senior years.
  • 计算机科学专业, 计算机/数学联合专业或MCB专业大三或大四在国外留学的学生可免参加一个学期的计算机学术讨论会. The objective of this policy is to facilitate study abroad.
  • A student who has a time conflict with CS colloquium (e.g., a不her course that meets at the same time, a team practice, etc.) can make up that colloquium requirement by arrangement with the CS讨论会 Director. 希望练习这个选项的学生应该在学期开始之前联系CS研讨会主任,他们通常会参加研讨会.


  • The department does 不 waive the clinic requirement for students wishing to do a thesis.
  • 在一些特殊情况下, CS majors may petition to replace CS clinic with a clinic project in a不her department. This requires a petition to the department and approval of the cognizant clinic directors. 请愿书必须包括证据,证明所请求的诊所项目具有重要的计算机科学组成部分,并确定满足CS诊所项目的教学目标.


  • No computer science degree requirements will be waived for a double major.
  • The department allows certain non-CS courses to be counted as CS electives (see “选修课” above). 然而, 双学位学生, 学生不允许选修其他系的计算机科学选修课,如果该课程也被计入第二专业.

The computer science department 不es that where a joint major exists, it 强烈鼓励 学生应该选择联合专业,而不是试图在联合专业已经涵盖的两个学科上双修. 对公平, to avoid advantaging double majors over their joint-major peers, when enforcing department-specific policies (e.g., 录用前的), 院系保留权利对待任何坚持修读这种非推荐双专业的学生(与这里给出的建议相反),就像对待他们相应的联合专业的同龄人一样. 例如, 假设CS 121的需求很高,没有足够的座位来容纳所有可能想要选择这门课的人.e, some student demand for the class must go unsatisfied); in such a situation, 计算机科学/数学双学位的学生不能指望他们会优先于计算机科学/数学双学位的同学.